5% Discount starting from €30.
10% Discount starting from €60.
15% Discount starting from €250.

Payment methods



We offer various payment methods via MultiSafepay.
No additional costs will be charged for these payment methods.

  • Giropay (Germany)
    Ideal (Netherlands)
    Bancontact/Mistercash (Belgium)
    ING pay
    KBC bank
    Sofort banking
    Google pay
    Apple pay

  • Pay after receipt (only available for the Netherlands)
    Pay after receipt (via Mulisafepay)

    Please note that this payment method can only be used by Dutch customers.

multisafepay achterafbetalen

The payment process in steps:
1. The customer selects the payment option "Pay after Receipt".
2. Then fill in the details such as date of birth and account number.
3. A real-time data check is performed.
4. With the first order, the (total) amount must be between € 15 - € 150.With a second order, the limit is automatically increased to € 300.
5. After acceptance, the order is completed within 2 seconds.
6. Annie's Heilzame Kruiden will deliver immediately and MultiSafepay will send the invoice to the specified e-mail address of the customer 2 days after shipment.

MultiFactor carries out the entire post-payment process for Annie's Heilzame Kruiden.
This means that you receive a payment request from MultiFactor via e-mail to confirm the purchased products Payment.

To approve your postpay request, MultiFactor performs a data check from. They apply a strict privacy policy for this, as described in their privacy statement. If your request for payment afterwards is not authorized, you can always choose another payment method.

You can always contact MultiFactor for questions via telephone number 020-8500533
or by e-mail: support@multifactor.nl.

Payment terms from MultiFactor   http://www.multifactor.nl/consument-betalingsvoorwaarden ).