5% Discount starting from €30.
10% Discount starting from €60.
15% Discount starting from €250.
Ayurveda after 5 pm tea
Ayurveda  after 5 pm teacontent:cinnamongingerlicorice rootorange peelcardamomcloveshibiscus flowersrosehipsraspberry leavesmallow leavesfennellime tree flowerscamomileblackpeperPreparation:For 1 cup of teaPour boiling water over 1 coffee spoon and let it steep for 5 minutes.Contains licorice:People with high blood pressure should avoid excessive use.For notification:Due to current European legislation we are limited in providing information about the use of herbs. If you are currently taking medicines, do not stop taking or replace them without first consulting a doctor. Also with serious illnesses, pregnancy,breastfeeding or small children it is wise to first be well informed.Private label: Annie΄s Heilzame Kruiden      

Ayurveda Men tea
Ayurveda Men teacontent:cloveslicorice rootcardamomgingermatefennelcinnamonknotweed herbpeppermintsageblack pepperginseng rootContains licorice:People with high blood pressure should avoid excessive use.Contains caffeine:Not recommended for children and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.Preparation:For 1 cup of teaPour boiling water over 1 coffee spoon and let it steep for 5 minutes.For notification:Due to current European legislation we are limited in providing information about the use of herbs. If you are currently taking medicines, do not stop taking or replace them without first consulting a doctor. Also with serious illnesses, pregnancy,breastfeeding or small children it is wise to first be well informed.Private label: Annie΄s Heilzame Kruiden      

Bad weather tea
Bad weather teaContent:Mallow leavesMarshmallow leavesMullein leavesFennelLocust tree flowersMarigold flowersSunflower petalsMallow flowers blueLicorice rootEverlasting flowersRed poppy flowersPeony petalsContains liquorice:People with high blood pressure should avoid excessive use.Preparation:For 1 cup of teaPour boiling water over 1 coffee spoon and let it steep for 5 minutes.For notification:Due to current European legislation we are limited in providing information about the use of herbs. If you are currently taking medicines, do not stop taking or replace them without first consulting a doctor. Also with serious illnesses, pregnancy,breastfeeding or small children it is wise to first be well informed.Private label: Annie΄s Heilzame Kruiden     

Ben Tree leaves Extra quality
Ben Tree leaves Extra quality - Moringa oleifera  Grown without pesticides Ben Tree leaves Moringa oleifera originates in the hills on the southern side of the Himalayas in northwestern India, but is now also cultivated on plantations in Africa, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, the Philippines, Central and South America and Sri Lanka. The species is generally considered the most useful tree in the world, as almost any part of the tree can be used as food or for other beneficial purposes. Plant part: Dried leaves Use: Suitable for internal and external use Preparation: For 1 cup of tea Pour boiling water over 1 coffee spoon and let it steep for 5 minutes. For notification: Due to current European legislation we are limited in providing information about the use of herbs. If you are currently taking medicines, do not stop taking or replace them without first consulting a doctor. Also with serious illnesses, pregnancy,breastfeeding or small children it is wise to first be well informed. Private label      

Variants from €3.00*
Black tea Assam Extra quality
Black tea Extra quality - Cyclopia genistoides  Grown without pesticidesBlack tea, just like green tea, comes from the tea bush (Camellia Sinensis). Black tea, however, undergoes a different fermentation process than green tea, resulting in a dark color.Assam is an important tea area in India that extends over the Brahmaputra valley from the Himalayas to the Bay of Bengal. Assam tea has a speckled brown and gold leaf known as "orange" when dried. The taste is robust, clear and malt stimulating and is the ideal cup of tea for the whole day. A lot of black tea with flavors is based on Assam.Preparation:For 1 cup of tea, pour 1 teaspoon in boiling water and leave to brew for at least 2 minutes.This tea is suitable for everyday use.Contains caffeine:Not recommended for children and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.For notification:Due to current European legislation we are limited in providing information about the use of herbs. If you are currently taking medicines, do not stop taking or replace them without first consulting a doctor. Also with serious illnesses, pregnancy,breastfeeding or small children it is wise to first be well informed.Private label: Annie΄s Heilzame Kruiden      

Black tea Assam Extra quality (best before 11-2025)
Black tea Extra quality - Cyclopia genistoides  Grown without pesticidesBlack tea, just like green tea, comes from the tea bush (Camellia Sinensis). Black tea, however, undergoes a different fermentation process than green tea, resulting in a dark color.Assam is an important tea area in India that extends over the Brahmaputra valley from the Himalayas to the Bay of Bengal. Assam tea has a speckled brown and gold leaf known as "orange" when dried. The taste is robust, clear and malt stimulating and is the ideal cup of tea for the whole day. A lot of black tea with flavors is based on Assam.Preparation:For 1 cup of tea, pour 1 teaspoon in boiling water and leave to brew for at least 2 minutes.This tea is suitable for everyday use.Contains caffeine:Not recommended for children and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.For notification:Due to current European legislation we are limited in providing information about the use of herbs. If you are currently taking medicines, do not stop taking or replace them without first consulting a doctor. Also with serious illnesses, pregnancy,breastfeeding or small children it is wise to first be well informed.Private label: Annie΄s Heilzame Kruiden      

€2.35* €4.70* (50% saved)
Breakfast herbal tea
Breakfast herbal teacontent:raspberry leavesrosehipsstrawberry leavesblackberry leavesmarigold petalsmallow flowers bluePreparation:For 1 cup of teaPour boiling water over 1 coffee spoon and let it steep for 5 minutes.For notification:Due to current European legislation we are limited in providing information about the use of herbs. If you are currently taking medicines, do not stop taking or replace them without first consulting a doctor. Also with serious illnesses, pregnancy,breastfeeding or small children it is wise to first be well informed.Private label: Annie΄s Heilzame Kruiden      

Evening herbtea orange
Evening herbtea orangeLemon balmLemongrasapplerosehipshibiscus flowersorange peelsnatural aromaPreparation:For 1 cup of teaPour boiling water over 1 coffee spoon and let it steep for 5 minutes.For notification:Due to current European legislation we are limited in providing information about the use of herbs. If you are currently taking medicines, do not stop taking or replace them without first consulting a doctor. Also with serious illnesses, pregnancy,breastfeeding or small children it is wise to first be well informed.Private label: Annie΄s Heilzame Kruiden     

Family tea 13 herbs
Family tea 13 herbsraspberry leavespeppermintappleheather herbmeadowsweet flowersblackberry leavesmarigold petalsmallow flowers bluerosehipssunflower petalsmarigold petalsstrawberry leavesblack currant leavesPreparation:For 1 cup of teaPour boiling water over 1 coffee spoon and let it steep for 5 minutes.For notification:Due to current European legislation we are limited in providing information about the use of herbs. If you are currently taking medicines, do not stop taking or replace them without first consulting a doctor. Also with serious illnesses, pregnancy,breastfeeding or small children it is wise to first be well informed.Private label: Annie΄s Heilzame Kruiden      

Flower tea
Flower teacontent:hibiscus flowerslemon verbena leaveslime tree flowersrose budsmallow flowers blueorange flowersmarigold petalssunflower petalseverlasting flowersPreparation:For 1 cup of teaPour boiling water over 1 coffee spoon and let it steep for 5 minutes.For notification:Due to current European legislation we are limited in providing information about the use of herbs. If you are currently taking medicines, do not stop taking or replace them without first consulting a doctor. Also with serious illnesses, pregnancy,breastfeeding or small children it is wise to first be well informed.Private label: Annie΄s Heilzame Kruiden      

Forest and meadow herbal tea
Forest and meadow herbal teacontent:nettle leavesstrawberry leavesrosehipsheather herbhibiscus flowersdandelion leavesyarrow herblocust tree flowersmarigold petalspoppy flowersPreparation:For 1 cup of teaPour boiling water over 1 coffee spoon and let it steep for 5 minutes.For notification:Due to current European legislation we are limited in providing information about the use of herbs. If you are currently taking medicines, do not stop taking or replace them without first consulting a doctor. Also with serious illnesses, pregnancy,breastfeeding or small children it is wise to first be well informed.Private label: Annie΄s Heilzame Kruiden      

Ginger-Lemon tea Extra quality
Ginger-Lemon tea Extra quality  Grown without pesticides Ginger and lemon give this tea its name and also a large part of its flavor, the ginger is well dosed and not predominant.Mint gives this tea a fresh taste that lingers in the mouth.content:gingerlemongrasslicoricerootpeppermintlemonpeelsorangepeelsrosepetalsContains licorice:People with high blood pressure should avoid excessive use.Preparation:For 1 cup of teaPour boiling water over 1 coffee spoon and let it steep for 5 minutes.For notification:Due to current European legislation we are limited in providing information about the use of herbs. If you are currently taking medicines, do not stop taking or replace them without first consulting a doctor. Also with serious illnesses, pregnancy,breastfeeding or small children it is wise to first be well informed.Private label: Annie΄s Heilzame Kruiden      

Variants from €3.95*
Greek Moutain tea
Greek Moutain tea  /     Fleabane herb         (Sideritis herba) Preparation: For 1 cup of tea Pour boiling water over 1 coffee spoon and let it steep for 5 minutes. For notification: Due to current European legislation we are limited in providing information about the use of herbs. If you are currently taking medicines, do not stop taking or replace them without first consulting a doctor. Also with serious illnesses, pregnancy,breastfeeding or small children it is wise to first be well informed. Private label      

Lemmon taste tea
Lemmon taste teaContains:lemongrassblackberry leaveslemon verbena leaveslemon balmmmallow flowers bluesunflower petalsPreparation:For 1 cup of teaPour boiling water over 1 coffee spoon and let it steep for 5 minutes.For notification:Due to current European legislation we are limited in providing information about the use of herbs. If you are currently taking medicines, do not stop taking or replace them without first consulting a doctor. Also with serious illnesses, pregnancy,breastfeeding or small children it is wise to first be well informed.Private label: Annie΄s Heilzame Kruiden      

Libra tea
Libra teaContains:mate leavesrosehipslemon verbena leavesnettle leaveslicorice rootgingerrose petalscamomile flowersContains liquorice:People with high blood pressure should avoid excessive use.Contains caffeine: Not recommended for children and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Preparation:For 1 cup of teaPour boiling water over 1 coffee spoon and let it steep for 5 minutes.For notification:Due to current European legislation we are limited in providing information about the use of herbs. If you are currently taking medicines, do not stop taking or replace them without first consulting a doctor. Also with serious illnesses, pregnancy,breastfeeding or small children it is wise to first be well informed.Private label: Annie΄s Heilzame Kruiden     

Mate leaves green
Mate leaves green - Ilex paraguariensisContains caffeine:Not recommended for children and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.Preparation:For 1 cup of teaPour boiling water over 1 coffee spoon and let it steep for 2 minutes.For notification:Due to current European legislation we are limited in providing information about the use of herbs. If you are currently taking medicines, do not stop taking or replace them without first consulting a doctor. Also with serious illnesses, pregnancy,breastfeeding or small children it is wise to first be well informed.Private label: Annie΄s Heilzame Kruiden      

Mountain herbs tea
Mountain herbs teaContains:fenneleucalyptus leavespeppermintpine needlesspearmintblackberry leavesraspberry leavesthyme wildplantain leavesrrosemaryaniseedsagesunflower petalspeony flowerselder flowersgentian rootcornflowers petalsPreparation:For 1 cup of teaPour boiling water over 1 coffee spoon and let it steep for 5 minutes.For notification:Due to current European legislation we are limited in providing information about the use of herbs. If you are currently taking medicines, do not stop taking or replace them without first consulting a doctor. Also with serious illnesses, pregnancy,breastfeeding or small children it is wise to first be well informed.Private label: Annie΄s Heilzame Kruiden      

Red Hot Ginger Tea
Red Hot Ginger TeaAs the name indicates, this is a spicy tea with a beautiful red color.In the tea you taste citrus and ginger and a little acidity from the hibiscus flowers, which is offset by the sweetness of apple.Contains:hibiscus flowersgingerrosehip shellsapplecarrotsorange peelsnatural FlavourlemongrasscornflowerschilliesPreparation:For 1 cup of teaPour boiling water over 1 coffee spoon and let it steep for 5 minutes.For notification:Due to current European legislation we are limited in providing information about the use of herbs. If you are currently taking medicines, do not stop taking or replace them without first consulting a doctor. Also with serious illnesses, pregnancy,breastfeeding or small children it is wise to first be well informed.Private label: Annie΄s Heilzame Kruiden      

Red orange fruit tea
Red orange fruit teacontent:rosehip shellsapplehibiscus flowersorange peelssafflower flowersnatural flavourPreparation:For 1 cup of teaPour boiling water over 1 coffee spoon and let it steep for 5 minutes.For notification:Due to current European legislation we are limited in providing information about the use of herbs. If you are currently taking medicines, do not stop taking or replace them without first consulting a doctor. Also with serious illnesses, pregnancy,breastfeeding or small children it is wise to first be well informed.Private label: Annie΄s Heilzame Kruiden      

Rooibos tea Extra quality
Rooibos tea Extra quality - Aspalathus linearis R. Dahlgr  Grown without pesticides Rooibos tea is a traditional drink from the Bushmen who live in the Cape Province of West Cape in South Africa. At the beginning of the twentieth century, rooibos began its advance to the western world. In 1920 it first appeared on the market and during the second world war demand increased due to the scarcity of regular tea.Preparation:For 1 cup of tea, pour 1 teaspoon in boiling water and leave to steep for 5 minutes.This tea is suitable for everyday use.Preparation:For 1 cup of teaPour boiling water over 1 coffee spoon and let it steep for 5 minutes.For notification:Due to current European legislation we are limited in providing information about the use of herbs. If you are currently taking medicines, do not stop taking or replace them without first consulting a doctor. Also with serious illnesses, pregnancy,breastfeeding or small children it is wise to first be well informed.Private label: Annie΄s Heilzame Kruiden      

Sofa and bed tea (New composition)
Sofa and bed tea   New composition  Contains: lemon balm heather herb chamomile peppermint strawberry leaves orange flowers Preparation: For 1 cup of tea Pour boiling water over 1 coffee spoon and let it steep for 5 minutes. For notification: Due to current European legislation we are limited in providing information about the use of herbs. If you are currently taking medicines, do not stop taking or replace them without first consulting a doctor. Also with serious illnesses, pregnancy,breastfeeding or small children it is wise to first be well informed. Private label: Annie΄s Heilzame Kruiden      

Spearmint - Menthae spicata Plant part: Dried leaves Spearmint (Menthae spicata L.) Also known as Moroccan mint (nana mint) Green mint Spearmint has a refined soft taste compared to peppermint. Spearmint is therefore very suitable for making mint tea. Tea preparation: For 1 cup of tea, pour 1 teaspoon with boiled water and let it steep for 5 to 10 minutes. Use: Suitable for internal and external use For notification: Due to current European legislation, we can only provide limited information about the use of herbs. If you are taking a medicine, do not stop taking it and do not replace it without consulting a doctor. Even with serious illnesses, pregnancies, breastfeeding or small children, it is advisable to inform yourself correctly. Private label      

Wild fruit tea
Wild fruit teacontent:rosehip shellsappledwarfelder berriessloeberrieshawthorn berriesblackberry leavesmallow flowers bluered Poppy flowersjuniper berriessunflower petalshuckleberriesPreparation:For 1 cup of teaPour boiling water over 1 coffee spoon and let it steep for 5 minutes.For notification:Due to current European legislation we are limited in providing information about the use of herbs. If you are currently taking medicines, do not stop taking or replace them without first consulting a doctor. Also with serious illnesses, pregnancy,breastfeeding or small children it is wise to first be well informed.Private label: Annie΄s Heilzame Kruiden      

Wild herbs tea
Wild herbs teacontent:blackberry leavesraspberry leavesrosehips seedrosehipsmarshmallow leavessunflower petalsmarigold petalsrose petalsmarshmallow rootllcorice rootpoppy flowersContains liquorice:People with high blood pressure should avoid excessive use.Preparation:For 1 cup of teaPour boiling water over 1 coffee spoon and let it steep for 5 minutes.For notification:Due to current European legislation we are limited in providing information about the use of herbs. If you are currently taking medicines, do not stop taking or replace them without first consulting a doctor. Also with serious illnesses, pregnancy,breastfeeding or small children it is wise to first be well informed.Private label: Annie΄s Heilzame Kruiden      
